Sarah Murcia "Eyeballing"

Origin: France

Sarah Murcia is in the vanguard of tomorrow's jazz, new pop,...


Sarah Murcia/ac.basse, vocal, keyboards - Olivier Py/sax - Benoit Delbecq/piano - François Thuillier/tuba


Sarah Murcia "Eyeballing"

About us

Sarah Murcia, double bassist, pianist, composer and producer, is a musician of insolence and salutary relevance, with her heart anchored in a fertile, danceable and indocile beat - all of which is already an exception to the doctrine of the perfume of the month.

She dreamt up this new album, and made it in Paris with the help of producer Steve Argüelles.
She dreamt of a tuba and songs, instrumentals, texts by Vic Moan and a song by Denis Scheubel too, the one in the middle of the album.
Eyeballing brings together Sarah Murcia and tuba player François Thuillier, a soloist who seems to have burst out of a galaxy populated by virtuosos who fear nothing, and two of his regular acolytes, Olivier Py, a saxophonist with an incandescent sonority and an imagination that seems infinite, and pianist Benoît Delbecq, who plays his e-drums with a playful and learned joy: He's the group's drummer and his mini-keyboards.

In recent years, Sarah Murcia has performed with Kamilya Jubran, Louis Sclavis, Rodolphe Burger, Magic Malik, as well as leading her own groups Caroline, Beau Catcheur (with Fred Poulet), Habka, and with her group ‘Never Mind the Future’, which covers the Sex Pistols in the company of the legendary choreographer, dancer and now singer Mark Tompkins. As you can see, Sarah Murcia's freedom and savoir-faire are at the forefront of tomorrow's jazz and pop, as well as taking Oriental music in a totally new direction. And that's just the beginning.

That's what we call talent, undeniably, and it's a great talent.
